NLC Collection.

Happy New Day! My name is Nadine, I am from London and I am a writer. This blog is long-awaited. Yet, it’s better late than never.

Here will I post my observations, my views, my experiences, and my random thoughts. I post as an outlet for my thoughts as they do get in the way of me being fully conscious, which my ideal daily state.

I feel pretty strongly about hidden emotions, lack of compassion for self and others, using one’s gifts, knowing one’s power and ability and loving self. There is so much more I feel strongly about, but that will come up in my posts.

I heard the concept, “write for the trashcan”, which is the idea way to write. Behind the reasoning is too much thought shouldn’t be put into creativity, creativity is suppose to flow without much effort of thoughts of how it will be received. Creativity disappears when one criticizes or repeatedly goes over what they have created wondering on how it will be received. So, What I am trying to convey are my posts will voice a multitude of emotions, haha. That’s okay, I’m just using this as my outlet.